

1. 电影院应聘简历

一般,封面+个人简历+求职信+奖状复印件。封面:就只要在最上面写上你的毕业院校,中间加个图并写句你的座右铭,下面则从上到下写姓名、专业、联系电话。最后排版一下就可以了!我是用word文档自己做的,完全可以实现的!注意,封面打出来要是黑白的!你也不需要去弄彩色的!浪费钱!个人简历:个人简历姓名 出生年月 性别  照片毕业院校 民族 籍贯 专业 政治面貌 身高 文凭 联系电话 技能等级 E-mail 在校成绩 求职意向 联系地址 邮编 证书 主修 教育背景时间学校担任职务证明人                相关培训时间培训项目地点            获奖情况 工作经历 自我评价  注意,要拉成A4纸刚好容下的大小!工作经历要写出有何收获!证书要是已经考到了还没发也照填,在后面加括号备注就可以了。自我评价要言简意赅,一行就可以了!最好附上一份求职信!求职信里可以适当提到贵公司怎样怎样,让他知道你对公司的关注及真心想在贵公司有所作为有所发展!还有你说的学生会主席、现在是要实习还不是正式工作也可以在求职信里提到。最后,祝你马到成功!


2. 电影的简介

Filmmaking is the process of making a film, from an initial story idea or commission, through scriptwriting, shooting, editing and distribution to an audience. Typically, it involves a large number of people, and takes from a few months to several years to complete. Filmmaking takes place all over the world in a huge range of economic, social, and political contexts, and using a variety of technologies and techniques.

Film production occurs in five stages:Development,Pre-production,Production,Post-production and Sales and distribution.


In this stage, the project's producer finds a story, which may come from a book, play, another film, a true story, original idea, etc. After identifying a theme or underlying message, the producer works with writers to prepare a synopsis. Next they produce a step outline, which breaks the story down into one-paragraph scenes that concentrate on dramatic structure. Next, they prepare a treatment, a 25 to 30 page description of the story, its mood, and characters. This usually has little dialog and stage direction, but often contains drawings that help visualize key points.

Next, a screenwriter writes a screenplay over a period of several months. The producer and screenwriter prepare a film pitch, or treatment, and present it to potential financiers. If the pitch is successful, the film receives a "green light", meaning someone offers financial backing: typically a major film studio, film council, or independent investor. The parties involved negotiate a deal and sign contracts.


In pre-production, the film is designed and planned. The production company is created and a production office established. The production is storyboarded and visualized with the help of illustrators and concept artists. A production budget is drawn up to plan expenditures for the film.

The producer hires a crew. The nature of the film, and the budget, determine the size and type of crew used during filmmaking. Many Hollywood blockbusters employ a cast and crew of hundreds, while a low-budget, independent film may be made by a skeleton crew of eight or nine (or fewer). These are typical crew positions:

    The director is primarily responsible for the acting in the film and managing creative elements.
    The assistant director (AD) manages the shooting schedule and logistics of the production, among other tasks. First AD and second AD are different jobs with different responsibilities.
    The casting director finds actors to fill the parts in the script. This normally requires that actors audition. Lead actors are carefully chosen, often based on the actor's reputation or "star power."
    The location manager finds and manages film locations. Most pictures are shot in the controllable environment of a studio sound stage but occasionally, outdoor sequences call for filming on location.
    The production manager manages the production budget and production schedule. They also report, on behalf of the production office, to the studio executives or financiers of the film.
    The director of photography (DP or DOP) or cinematographer creates the photography of the film in cooperation with with the director, director of audiography (DOA), and AD.


In production the film is created and shot. More crew will be recruited at this stage, such as the property master, script supervisor, assistant directors, stills photographer, picture editor, and sound editors. These are just the most common roles in filmmaking; the production office will be free to create any unique blend of roles to suit a particular film.

A typical day's shooting begins with the crew arriving on the set/location by their call time. Actors usually have their own separate call times. Since set construction, dressing and lighting can take many hours or even days, they are often set up in advance.


Here the film is assembled by the film editor. The modern use of video in the filmmaking process has resulted in two workflow variants: one using entirely film, and the other using a mixture of film and video.

In the film workflow, the original camera film (negative) is developed and copied to a one-light workprint (positive) for editing with a mechanical editing machine. An edge code is recorded onto film to locate the position of picture frames. Since the development of non-linear editing systems such as Avid, Quantel or Final Cut Pro, the film workflow is used by very few productions.

In the video workflow, the original camera negative is developed and telecined to video for editing with computer editing software. A timecode is recorded onto video tape to locate the position of picture frames. Production sound is also synced up to the video picture frames during this process.

Finally the film is previewed, normally by the target audience, and any feedback may result in further shooting or edits to the film.

Distribution and exhibition

This is the final stage, where the film is released to cinemas or, occasionally, to DVD, VCD, VHS (though VHS tapes are less common now that more people own DVD players), Blu-Ray, or direct download from a provider. The film is duplicated as required for distribution to cinemas. Press kits, posters, and other advertising materials are published and the film is advertised.

Film companies usually release a film with a launch party, press releases, interviews with the press, press preview screenings, and film festival screenings. Most films have a website. The film plays at selected cinemas and the DVD typically is released a few months later. The distribution rights for the film and DVD are also usually sold for worldwide distribution. The distributor and the production company share profits.

3. 想去电影院兼职,简历该怎么写? 急!!!求帮忙!!!


想去电影院兼职,简历该怎么写?  急!!!求帮忙!!!

4. 电影2012简介?


5. 怎么向电影公司发表自己的简历



6. 电影欲罪主演雪儿简历


7. 电影《花》女主角简历

演员 任洁


8. 电影雏菊中男主角的简历?

杀手朴义 郑宇成 Woo-sung Jung 

职 业:影视演员 

国 籍:韩国 


身 高:186cm 


家 庭:两男一女 排行老三 

爱 好:看录像 开车兜风 

特 长:篮球 游泳 


绰 号:小老头 







鞋的尺码:275 mm 


性格: 平时算是内向型,但有时会爆发的那种类型 

兴趣: 观看VCD、兜风 

特长: 篮球、游泳 

喜欢的体育运动: 篮球、游泳 

喜欢的饮食: 韩食(特别是大酱汤) 

理想的异性: 思虑深的女子 

喜欢的演艺人: 安成基、罗伯特德尼罗 

最伤心的时候: 奶奶去世的时候 

从艺时间: 94年以广告模特首次亮相 

记忆最深的时候: 电影《九尾狐》开映后接受的第一个主人公 

出道: 94年作为CF模特加入电影《九尾狐》的公开试音 

成名作: 电视剧《沥青男人》 



电 影:《狐仙》,《本特基尔》,《上海滩》,《比特》,《没有太阳》,《幽灵》,《爱》,《武士》 ,《我脑海中的橡皮擦》,《雏菊》,《中天》,《悲伤电影》 







