

1. 句子英文翻译

1、Explaining why he allowed the journal entries to be made public He said: They directly talk about how she said the doctors have her on the wrong medication and she mentioned how she wished the doctors would get the medication right
2、how she wished the doctors would get the medication right

第二个问题,关于how she wished the docotors would get the medication right。首先这个句子是个感叹句,外加虚拟语气,是希望过去发生过的事以另外一种情况发生,上文已经说了医生开错了药,文章翻译为医生没有那样做其真实含义就是希望医生当时开对了药。


2. 英文句子翻译。

down 后面有宾语。因此是介词。
介词 down 表示运动或坐落的方向,意思有:沿着...向下,顺着...方向,向/在...那一端; 朝/在...的下游地区; 朝/在...的南方,等等。如:
* The tears trickled down her cheeks.   热泪一滴滴从她脸颊上滚下来。   
* I saw him walking down the street.   我看见他在沿着街走。   
* They hired a boat and went for a row down the river.   他们租了条小船, 划向河的下游。   
* The movement spread down the Rhine.   运动沿着莱茵河往下游地区蔓延开来。   
* I am just going down the shops.  我正要去商店。   

3. 英文句子翻译

1.Never want to let you go.
2.Love.how can I explain to you?
3.All I know is I love you too much to walk away though.
4.If you live to be loo,I hope I live to be loo minus 1day, so I never have to live without you.


4. 英文句子翻译

1.I am not sure whether he can make egg fried rice
2.Could you tell me how to make sandwiches
3.Jane doesn't mind helping us.
4.It’s polite to eat the food in your plate
5.Your need to get up early tomorrow.

5. 英文句子翻译



最难懂的部分是the first healines to have come streaming from this mess. Headlines指的是新闻头条或者是标题。一般标题都是将新闻中精华部分浓缩出来,所以意译为“稍加分析”。"Come streaming from this mess"意思是“从这些混乱(的资料)里面得来”,作者是想强调这些军事情报混乱无章。但是如果详细翻译出来,反而会影响整个句子的清晰度。所以直接省却,而是在开头里说明这些情报非常混乱。


6. 英文句子翻译

the individualist without strategy who takes opponents light will inevitably becomethe captive of others

句子主语:The individualist(个人主义者;利己主义者)

修饰句子主语的介词短语(1)without strategy (毫无,战略,策略)(介词短语做后置定语的

修饰句子主语的定语从句(2)who takes opponents light (小看对手,轻视敌手)(定语从句是主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语结构)(定语从句做后置定语)

句子谓语:will become (将会成为)


句子宾语:the captive of others (成为别人的俘虏)


7. 英文句子翻译

我想我找到了你疑惑的那篇全文了!我把它看了一下,2.38m,其中这个m是milliond 简缩。
UK unemployment hits 14-year high of 2.38m
Almost a million young people are out of work after the biggest increase in unemployment since Labour came to power. 

Youth unemployment has soared to a 16-year high, with 17.3 per cent of those aged 18 to 24 out of work — up from 15 per cent in February. The Prince’s Trust said that a young person was losing a job almost every minute over the past three months. 

Almost a third of those aged between 16 and 17 who left school after GCSEs are also out of work, amid fears that unemployment among the young is set to rise over the summer as a new generation of school leavers and graduates struggles to find work. 

Unemployment increased by a record 281,000 between March and May, bringing the total to 2.38 million — the highest since October 1995. 

Yesterday’s figures also revealed that the number of long-term unemployed — those out of work for more than a year — has risen by 46,000 to an 11-year high of 528,000, with almost half that total having been jobless for two years. 

There was a record fall in the number of people in full-time employment — down by 257,000 in the three months to May. More than 300,000 people were made redundant over the same period, in the second-highest number of job losses on record, pushing the official unemployment rate up to 7.6 per cent — the highest since January 1997, before Labour took office. 

Jaguar, the carmaker, deepened the gloom as it announced plans to scrap production of its X-Type car by the end of the year, with the loss of up to 300 jobs at its plant at Halewood, on Merseyside. The Halewood factory is also to close for three weeks as the business reacts to slack demand. 

Those still in work are affected by cuts in working hours, pay freezes and wage cuts. The number of total hours worked across the country has fallen by 3.1 per cent since the start of the recession, with economists warning of worse to come. Michael Saunders, UK economist at Citigroup, the US bank, noted that in the past two recessions the figure for weekly hours worked fell by 5 per cent. 

Numbers of staff on “short-time working” have trebled over the past year, while numbers working fewer hours or taking leave on reduced pay soared to 123,000 in the first quarter, from 36,000 a year earlier. 

Many more people are also being forced to take part-time jobs, because they cannot find a full-time position, with 927,000 people now saying that they face this predicament, up by 255,000 from a year ago. 

The overall number of available job vacancies has hit a record low, at only 421,000 last month, down by a third from a year before. 

There was one glimmer of hope in yesterday’s figures, however, as the claimant count of unemployment, gauging numbers out of work and claiming jobseeker’s allowance, rose by a much smaller than expected 23,800 in June — down from 30,800 in May, and a massive 136,600 in February. Most City experts still predict that unemployment will hit three million late this year or early next before there is any improvement. 

The divergence between the headline unemployment numbers, based on ministers’ preferred measure, the official Labour Force Survey, and the claimant count numbers totalling those on unemployment benefits, left economists puzzled. Some argued that the benefits-based figures are giving a falsely optimistic picture of the jobs market, masking sharper rises in unemployment as they exclude those on to training schemes. 

Brendan Barber, TUC General Secretary, said that the figures were “truly horrendous”. Jim Knight, the Employment Minister, maintained that the jobless level was lower by about half a million than it would have been without government action. 

在该文章的第四段可以寻找到答案,“Unemployment increased by a record 281,000 between March and May, bringing the total to 2.38 million — the highest since October 1995. 


8. 英文句子翻译
